Michael at Magic Sands Beach, the beach where that cooky medicinal herb is sold.
Me chillin' with a beer on the farm, watching the horses.
Here I am taking a break from raking to admire the huge Banyan tree behind our cabin.
Fourth of July was a long, lovely day! We were lucky enough that it landed on our days off so we got up around 8:00 and decided to hike the steep trail down to the Captain Cook Monument.

The monument of Capt. Cook, the dude who discovered the Hawaiian Islands and Australia, looks like a miniature Washington monument. He was killed by the Hawaiians near this spot. But it's all good, he and his men more than likely ate all their food and spread STDs to their women. The snorkeling here was awesome. After a nap on a big lava rock, we headed back up the trail. But first took a mile detour because we got lost. The hike back up, which is a steep incline of lava rocks, was a BITCH!
We hitchhiked into Kona after realizing the buses don't run on holidays. We got a ride with a huge Hawaiian who was smoking and blasting island music through his radio. Made it just in time to catch the parade.
And the best part? We managed to sneak the code to our host-lady's downtown condo and got to rock it seaside for the night in this over $300/night condo!!

Michael enjoying 2-for-1 at our favorite Mexican place in Kona.
Me standing triumphantly in front of our cabin with a red ginger torch flower (they grow here on the farm).
Yesterday, Oscar (another wwoofer), Michael and I borrowed the car and drove down to the the Place of Refuge, where Hawaiians who had committed crimes once went to be absolved of them. We also went snorkeling here, and I swam alongside sea turtles! Spinner dolphins are next on my list.

The three of us just made an awesome-smelling vegetarian chili, which has been simmering in the kitchen. And I'm about to go investigate it. Only three days of work left on the farm before Michael and I head out on our around-the-island adventure before relocating to Maui!
1 comment:
sounds like you are having an amazing trip!! Those videos are hilarious! Mike looks like he is really excited about being video taped, haha.
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